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  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 廠商性質(zhì):經(jīng)銷商
  • 更新時間:2024-07-09
  • 訪  問  量:2237


Small, Lightweight and Inexpensive

The Argweld PurgEye® 300 Nano Weld Purge Monitor® is small, lightweight and inexpensive.

The PurgEye® 300 Nano is equipped with an integrally mounted sensor to eliminate electrical interference.

The PurgEye® 300 Nano is specifically developed for weld purging of critical stainless steel and titanium joints and others where data logging, alarms and welder control are not necessarily required.

The PurgEye® 300 Nano is perfect for operation with manual welding, orbital welders, welding enclosures, pipe welding, chamber welding, duplex steel and titanium welding and ideal for welding stainless steel in ultra clean applications.

The PurgEye® 300 Nano has secure 'leak tight' connectors for weld purge hoses. Also, the instrument can be used with optional accessory hand pump and gas sampling probe.

The PurgEye® 300 Nano has low repair, refurbishment and re-calibration costs. There is no pump needed and hence there are no moving parts to fail.


Purpose-designed Purge Monitor

The Argweld® PurgEye® 300 'Nano' Weld Purge Monitor® has been specifically designed as a very low cost, basic entry level version of the Argweld® PurgEye® 300 for indicating low oxygen levels in inert gas for weld purging down to 10 ppm.

With a large alpha-numeric display, the Argweld® PurgEye® 300 'Nano' measures very accuray from 1000 ppm down to 10 ppm.

The Argweld® PurgEye® 300 'Nano' uses a unique new low cost long life sensor which has very little maintenance requirement and avoids the disadvantages of monitors with 'wet cell' technology that have to be constantly calibrated and have sensors replaced.

Argweld® PurgEye® 300 'Nano' Weld Purge Monitors® are available for immediate delivery.


Argweld® PurgEye® 300 Nano Weld Purge Monitor® Accuracy Range

Measuring Range:

1,000 ppm down to 10 ppm


±2.0% of scale reading


145 x 190 x 70 mm

Power Consumption:

18 W

Operating Voltage:

AC 115/230 V single phase 50/60 Hz


1.5 kg

The PurgEye® 300 Nano has an operating voltage of AC 115/230 V single phase 50/60Hz. The unit uses an external 12 V Power Supply Unit with an input voltage range of AC 90 to 260 V (included).

The PurgEye® 300 Nano has a large alpha-numeric display.

Display readings can only be shown in ppm.

The PurgEye® 300 Nano has a warm up time of less than 60 seconds.

Supplied with:

External 12 V Power Supply Unit (including multiple international mains adaptor connections)
Sample tube set (40 cm red tubing and 1 metre green tubing)
User instruction booklet
Storage and presentation case
Calibration Certificate for the purpose of Quality Control Procedures and Management Systems

便攜式測氧儀//氧氣含量檢測儀PurgEye 300 Nano/APIO 300N使用說明:






便攜式測氧儀//氧氣含量檢測儀PurgEye 300 Nano/APIO 300N其他規(guī)格:

Shipping Information, Weights and Dimensions

Product Codes and Sizes

Dimensions 145 x 190 x 70 mm
Gross weight 2.0 kg
Nett weight 1.5 kg
Volumetric weight 2.1 kg

Actual Instrument dimensions 145 x 190 x 70 mm
Actual Instrument weight 1.5 kg

Storage carry case dimensions  377 x 322 x 95 mm

更多PurgEye 300 Nano/APIO 300N訊息請。


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